VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: FNLL operates with the dedication of volunteers, and each family is expected to contribute a minimum number of hours to maintain our high-quality program. Parents of All-Star players may be asked to volunteer at one event that doesn't conflict with their children's games.
SNACK BAR: Each registered player's parent must cover 2-3 snack bar shifts during the regular season. Please note that failing to fulfill these shifts will result in billing, and the balance must be settled before registering for future seasons.
UMPIRES: In AA and above divisions, team managers act as attending parents for umpiring duty if junior umpires are unavailable. This relieves them from other volunteer duties for the season.
VOLUNTEER OPT-OUT OPTION: FNLL offers an "opt-out" option for certain volunteer positions. Opting out incurs a $125 fee per family and exempts parents from specific volunteer roles but not field setup or maintenance.